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Writer's pictureChristopher Keene

94% Support For Permanent Slow Sanchez

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

A survey of over 398 Noe Valley neighbors showed 94% in support of making Slow Sanchez permanent. This includes 82% of Sanchez Street residents in support of a permanent slow Sanchez.

If you look only at the respondents who live on Sanchez street, the support for a permanent closure is still above 80% (75% yes, 7% maybe, 18% no out of 32 responses).

Note that SFMTA is also conducting a survey of all Sanchez Street residents and Noe Neighbors.


The changes that Noe Valley residents most wanted to see on Slow Sanchez were:

  1. Road closed signs at every intersection (SFMTA will do this in September!)

  2. People walking/biking caution signs on all the cross streets

  3. Benches/street furniture.


Over 70 respondents provided their own suggestions. Top ideas included:

  1. A mural painted directly on the street

  2. Community parklets where people can sit, maybe with some plants

  3. Traffic calming like street bumps

Top concerns from respondents included:

  1. Some walkers are not courteous to Sanchez residents: "People have been pretty rude to my hubby and neighbor when we were parking."

  2. Make sure Google/Lyft/Uber maps direct drivers to avoid Slow Sanchez

  3. Signs reminding people to wear masks.

A Positive Culture For Shared Streets

One particularly good comment from the survey about creating a positive culture on Slow Sanchez: "We who do NOT live on Sanchez need to be very considerate of those who do. As much as I really enjoy seeing people enjoying themselves on Sanchez I am concerned how that may infringe on the peace and quiet of those who live on Sanchez."

From September 2020 to February 2021, Friends of Slow Sanchez conducted a survey to gauge community support for a permanent slow street.

All Comments Submitted By Noe Valley Neighbors

Here are all 72 of the write-in suggestions. Note that we are a diverse community and not everyone agrees on how best to share the street. Dialog is important, particularly to understand different points of view!

  1. We who do NOT live on Sanchez need to be very considerate of those who do. As much as I really enjoy seeing people enjoying themselves on Sanchez I am concerned how that may infringe on the peace and quiet of those who live on Sanchez. The residents of each block should be the decision makers of the ideas of benches and music etc. We have the Town Square for congregating. I think activity on Sanchez should keep moving rather than congregating, unless a block wants that.

  2. Joggers should be required to wear a mask. They can jog elsewhere if they don’t want to wear one. It’s unhealthy for everyone else, and inconsiderate of others, to run past others while huffing and puffing. Ideally no joggers should be allowed; wearing a mask is a compromise to this sentiment."

  3. A handful of ‚"Take a book, Leave a book‚" boxes

  4. Additional signage is needed for pedestrians informing them to proceed with caution at intersections. On a daily basis, children on bikes/scooters blow thru intersection as well as adults. It's not safe.

  5. Ask Lyft and Uber not to route their drivers through Sanchez.

  6. Bollards to make it clear where not to drive, like is being installed on some other slow streets.

  7. Came here from Nextdoor. I support your work but c'mon man, just make some more signs!!

  8. Community markets, fetes etc

  9. Dedicated running lanes?

  10. Don't take away any parking! And maybe signs for cars for those of us that live on Sanchez? People have been pretty rude to my hubby and neighbor when we were parking.

  11. encourage more live music

  12. extend slow street up towards Randall

  13. Fun to donate for slow street. Work parties to create planters

  14. Get rid of it!

  15. How are we interacting with sfmta able making the change permanent? I used to work for the bicycle coalition and would like to help

  16. I have had at least two Uber/Lyft drivers following me...literally on my heels! Would be nice if those using Uber/Lyft services would go to the nearest cross street for their rides.

  17. I hope they city keeps it this way!

  18. I just hope it stays!

  19. I love it. It's amazing. Other than better signage and I would love to see a cross street or two closed so you could more easily bike ride, I love how organic it is becoming. Sitting on a sidewalk is great when you need to take a break. I would actually love to see the sidewalks being cleaned now and again but really, that’s not even necessary.

  20. I think anything like flower boxes for attractive barriers would be so great.

  21. I think it's great that we have more space during corona to keep a safe distance from our neighbors. But Sanchez is a wide enough street to navigate during "normal" times.

  22. I wish there were more cafes or furniture/parklets where people can sit. I love the set up at 26th and Sanchez--more of that, please!

  23. I would like to see narrow medians added to the center of the street with trees, like Guerrero.

  24. if permanent, should consider permanent bollards to block half the entryways of intersections.

  25. In addition to signage, it may be helpful to have a sign of a few bullet points describing expectations for those that do need to drive down a block. Ex, if you need to drive down the block keep your speed to “x” mph, watch out for short bikes and scooters that may not appear in mirrors, roll down your windows in order to hear children, do not drive more than one consecutive block. Just some ideas!

  26. In Spain they have streets with remote controlled simple cylindrical bollards that residents and emergency crews can use to lower and drive onto tbe street ... Everyone else needs to walk, bike, wheelchair or scoot. I supposed FedEx and Amazon would need access ... Or there could be lockers on the corners

  27. It would be helpful to share what percentage of respondents verifiably live on Sanchez St. It's a very easy decision for those who don't live there and thus only experience benefits. Also responding ‚maybe’ is not support exactly, that‚ a misleading claim in your results reported on Twitter. It means maybe. For those and other reasons, it's hard to take your survey as statistically significant or based on veritable data. This looks a whole lot like white liberal knows-best-ism, where you employ your privilege to steamroll city officials and neighbors. Furthermore, Attempting to appropriate BLM for your purposes is troubling. The dirty, self righteous looks of pedestrians towards people slowly parking their cars in their own garages is pure smug ‚ progressive‚ San Francisco.

  28. It would be nice to have some areas designated for play for children and even for dogs.

  29. Kids tiys/play areas

  30. Let's make it permanent!

  31. Lets make our street permanently "slow". I have emailed SFMTA and Mandleman several times about this yet we might need to get enough supervisors support to put it on the ballot. my family and block group (28th St btwn Sanchez and Noe) are in full support of a permanent slow street here. Let me know how we can help.

  32. Look at how Berkeley has put up barricades.

  33. Make 24th St. slow too!


  35. Make parents and kids aware that they cannot lie or sit in the street- it is still a street

  36. Make slow street permanent. We love to walk on Sanchez.

  37. Make sure Google and Apple Maps update.

  38. Making it easier for restaurants on Sanchez to make more outdoor seating

  39. Maybe it could be on weekends, but for now, I love it!

  40. More community-serving wonderful retail like the Douglas with seating space in the street. I was very sad that they closed due to their lamdlord

  41. More outdoor dining like at Noe Cafe

  42. More rainbow garages please!

  43. My elderly neighbor is afraid to walk out on Sanchez Street now that it has been taken over by people camping out in front of our building. Not safe for elderly tenants.

  44. Nice! How about 24th Street next!

  45. NO POLITICS. JFC it's a public street.

  46. Nope, but I'm reluctant to force this on Sanchez residents. The street wasn't chosen in an egalitarian way, and it was supposed to be temporary.

  47. Paint the street a different color (e.g. green like bike lanes) to clearly designate Sanchez as a slow street.

  48. Please get us more official SFMTA signs at each intersection. Cars are still flying through Sanchez as they don't see the make-shift signs or cones.

  49. Pop up food trucks!

  50. Restrict the slow street to fewer blocks closer to 24th st

  51. Sanchez is a useful thoroughfare.

  52. Sanchez was fine just the way it was. There are plenty of open parks in the neighborhood.

  53. Sanitation Stations would be nice.

  54. Signs announcing slow streets at each intersection should say that this is slow street from 23rd to 30th.

  55. Signs reminding people to wear masks. There are groups of people congregating right outside our windows and my partner has a respiratory issue

  56. Small median islands with trees

  57. So glad it's here! Biggest issues are more prominent signs and spot enforcement for scofflaws.

  58. Somehow make it easier for resident drivers to get to their homes on weekends. Not sure how

  59. Speed limits for bikers

  60. Start slow Sanchez at Day St or 29th instead of 30th. It is difficult for people trying to park for Upper Noe Rec Center and the hill between 30th and Day has become quite dangerous for children riding bikes, scooters, etc..

  61. Street signs should be juried art by local artists, approved by MTA and installed and maintained by a Noe Valley or Upper Noe Valley community organization

  62. Tables for picnicking would be nice too.

  63. "The idea of the 5 foot high murals at the crosswalks is a terrible idea. Children, short adults, some elderly, and those in wheelchairs entering the crosswalk next to the mural won’t be able to see oncoming bikes, cars, trucks without walking into the street to look past the mural. I have lived on Sanchez St for 15 years and am a 5 foot tall woman. Your proposal could literally be the end of me.

  64. I would love to see more outdoor music, social distancing arts and craft activities for kids, etc.

  65. Please no street furniture or anything permanent. Cars, emergency vehicles, delivery trucks still need to access the street. "

  66. The street really needs more restaurants in general to best support this effort. Or maybe a weekend food truck event.

  67. Tiny book library, Donation bins, street art and socially distanced food fair

  68. ups and downs on the street or something that actually forces the cars to go slow.

  69. Wonder if there’s a way to use sanchez street to help local/small businesses. Pop-up stations for hair and nail salons, allowing local gyms/yoga/pilates studios to operate small group sessions, distanced concerts, etc. Businesses could manage crowds through time-specific online signup (MINDBODY app for fitness / salon services, etc). Also love the idea of a neighborhood fundraiser, potentially ticketed in partnership with Off the Grid, to support both SF and Noe/Bernal businesses impacted. Hugely enthusiastic about making slow streets permanent to keep our small businesses and wonderful community alive. Happy to help if you need extra hands.

  70. What about roundabouts and planters at various intersections as they have on Virginia street and some of the other slow Streets in Berkeley. I’m very much in favor but how else are you distributing this survey. I saw it on Twitter, linked from an email I got. Curious about how we may or may not be skewing results based on access to technology or a high degree of comfort with social media. Thank you!"

  71. Yes take it away people are so rude with the slow streets it's not closed streets. We even get told not to park in front of our own house because entitled neighbors here. Use a different street . If it's kept there’s no need to make the streets comfortable by adding flowers and benches that adds to entitled neighbors sitting in the Street without a care of cars that live here and need to pass by

  72. A street fair - once we are done with Covid! Perhaps an opportunity for a mid-week farmers market towards the Sanchez/30th end of the street?

  73. Add built environment to the street itself to slow scofflaw drivers who ignore the signs

  74. As a resident of Sanchez this has really had a negative impact on our enjoyment living here. It is constantly noisy outside our living room especially with kids and parents screaming and we can hear it inside constantly such that I don't use my living room as much.also people get mad when I try to park, and the general busyness of our street makes it much less covid safe. This also wasn't our choice when we moved here and wanted a quiet street. I am crushed by the idea of this being permanent and really loved living here before.

  75. Bike lane.

  76. Can we develop a longer term plan for the slow street? To show what it could be in 5-10 and 10-20 years? More permanent solutions like planting, street narrowing, asphalt replacement with pavers, etc might be worth exploring the idea of making it a more permanent promenade

  77. Convert into a park with through access for residents.

  78. Do this for more streets!!

  79. Do you have any other suggestions for Slow Sanchez?

  80. Dog poop bags

  81. Enforcement of a reduced speed limit for local traffic

  82. Find a different street, Period! A street where people don't spit your vehicles, mean mug you for driving on the street where you live, yell at you......Best of luck, SOMEWHERE ELSE.

  83. Hiring homeless and low income folks to improve the street.

  84. How about slow 24th street?

  85. I don't want a temporary or permanent Slow Sanchez St. Nor do I want a street mural on my block of Sanchez. How many of you Friends of Slow Sanchez proposing all these changes actually live on Sanchez and will be directly impacted by them? And how many of the 200 people who responded to your survey in favor of a permanent Slow Sanchez live on Sanchez? If I had not received a flyer through my mail slot the other day, I would not have been aware of this push for making a permanent Slow Sanchez or the proposed street mural on my block. I believe the residents of this street should have a weighted voice in this matter. $10K for an unwanted street mural that can only really be enjoyed by a helicopter or drone is a waste of money and would be an inconvenience to me and the residents of my block while being installed. That $10K would be better spent to help people in need to feed their families or pay someone's rent during this pandemic. No offense to the proposed artist intended.

  86. I do not want benches/street furniture for people to congregate/smoke/ eat & drink / conduct speaker phone calls and attract more pigeons in front of my home, while providing convenient beds for the homeless. The increase of people walking in the middle of the street, biking, skateboarding, scootering, running and dog walking (pooping & urinating) only brings more congestion and noise to my block along with people who tend to wear their masks around their necks instead of over their mouths and noses where they belong.

  87. This block of Sanchez has always been bustling with activity - double parked delivery trucks for the many shops and for residential amazon deliveries increased by the pandemic, \fire engines and police cars double park as well for their daily coffee breaks (which I am not criticizing). It really doesn't make sense to me to have that much activity on any given day and then invite people to walk in the middle of the street pushing their baby strollers. My heart will break if anyone is hurt by a car accident among that chaos. I also don't like to be forced to compete with pedestrians when I'm looking for a parking spot on my block and at the same time getting the stink eye from those people walking in the middle of the street which is supposedly a shared space at the moment.

  88. Noe Valley already has many lovely parks for exercise, dogs to run and children to play: parks on 30th St., Douglas St., Diamond St., Dolores Park and a Town Square. SF has GG park, Chrissy Field, The Presidio, McClaren Park, Ocean Beach, the Marina and on and on. I think most of these parks are now open to the public again. I may be wrong about some but they will reopen once the pandemic is under control.

  89. I've lived in Noe Valley for 32 years and have seen it change. I'm not against change. That's part of the beauty of city living. I just do not support Slow Streets - temporary or permanent - and in particular, I do not support a permanent Slow Sanchez..

  90. I like that you want the mural to be painted by a neighborhood artist but I think we should support a Black, Indigenous or Latinx muralist, especially since this seems to be a paid commission.

  91. I love slow streets!! Please continue making the city pedestrian friendly :)

  92. I used to live in Hayes Valley and like the idea of having the street be a community space, maybe hosting events like a movie night or pop-up food trucks.

  93. I would just like the people that are on Sanchez to be aware that there is cross traffic at the intersections. You have people walking in the street, kids on bikes, that are not paying attention and the cross traffic does have a right to go across Sanchez whether it's a slow street or not. Those of us who live in the neighborhood have to be able to cross that street to get over to 280. Overall I think having slow streets are not a bad thing. But it does make it difficult if you're a driver.

  94. I would take it as is, I love having it!

  95. If this becomes permanent, please put signs for right/left directions. It's so annoying when people are walking/running on the other side of the street coming towards you. Also maybe a "walkers on the right" so runners can easily pass. Thanks!

  96. It would make sense to join forces with the other neighborhood slow streets as a better lobbying force

  97. Just because it's a slow street doesn't mean pedestrians can discriminate local drivers who need to get home.

  98. Just want to second how important it is to install infrastructure that reinforces the idea of this being a slow street. I also live near the Arlington slow street, and it's been a mess. Depending on which cross street you arrive from, you can't even tell it's a slow street. I don't feel comfortable walking on it and I never see anyone else off the sidewalks there either. Total infrastructure failure. I don't want to see the same thing happen to Sanchez!

  99. Keep it simple and let neighbors contribute ideas once it's a permanent slow street.

  100. Keep it simple, but make it feel "substantial" enough to differentiate it from a "real" traffic street. I think about how they do this in Europe!

  101. Lighting improvements: market lights, LED lights, etc. More trash cans. Running lane.

  102. Little coffee/cafe stands.

  103. Look at Barcelona's superblocks for inspiration

  104. Maybe signs like "Keep it slow, safe & clean: wear bright clothing and lights, watch out for others, and clean up after your pets"

  105. More gardens

  106. More small businesses!

  107. More trash bins

  108. More trash cans along Sanchez!

  109. More trash cans. My church flower beds have become a trash receptacle since the slow streets started.

  110. more trashcans for dog poop

  111. All of the above ideas sound amazing

  112. No BLM themed art. That's too political. Focus on what brings us together and not things that divide us.

  113. No, no, and no. Please do not make this permanent. I am in my late 70's do not even drive, and I hate it. Runners, scooters, bikes, etc. are dangerous to elderly walkers. Super hard on taxi drivers. Please stop the insanity.

  114. Paintball guns for the Ubers that speed down Sanchez-ha!

  115. Painting, or eventually re-paving the cross-street intersections with contrasting or colorful surfaces is an attractive and effective way of signaling to drivers that they're entering a space where they are not the primary user, and they need to pay attention and proceed with caution.

  116. People will still drive. You are pushing traffic to all other streets.

  117. Permanent barriers to slow traffic and prevent through traffic for more than a couple blocks (similar to bicycle boulevards in Berkeley)

  118. Petition for chicanes ( at key intersections.

  119. Plant trees and other vegetation! Why keep it a big wide asphalt?

  120. Powerful Woman Hero murals (Kamala!)

  121. sidewalk chalk is carcinogenic!

  122. Slow Down!

  123. Slow Sanchez is fantastic and has been an invaluable asset for the neighborhood.

  124. Slow Sanchez is fantastic and has been an invaluable asset for the neighborhood.

  125. Slow Sanchez is great. These improvement ideas are cool too but it's also good the way it is.

  126. slow streets is very inconvenient and forces me to waste 50 miles of driving per year if made permanent

  127. Stickers for cars that live on sanchez

  128. Tell your kids to stop playing in the middle of the street, so when the slow street signs are taken down they aren’t in any danger.

  129. . I hope that it inspires more slow streets in SF...and gets cars to slow down and prioritize people's safety over speed.

  130. Weekly musical performances. Weekly social gatherings (post-COVID).

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