We have an exciting new partnership in 2025. The project is called the Slow Sanchez Greenway, a collaboration between Slow Sanchez and Friends of the Urban Forest.
Our goal is to work with Slow Sanchez neighbors to add sidewalk gardens and trees along Sanchez Street between 23rd and 30th. Each sidewalk garden or tree will be sponsored by a Slow Sanchez resident.
If you live along Slow Sanchez and would like to have a tree or sidewalk garden in front of your house use these links to:
Request a Sidewalk Garden. Each garden needs a signed agreement from the property owner for maintenance.
Request a Tree. Each tree needs a signed agreement from the property owner for regular watering.
If you walk along Slow Sanchez and would like to help, use these links to:
Donate to support the Slow Sanchez Greenway We need at least $10,000 in donations to fund the initial Friends of the Urban Forest plan
Volunteer to maintain the Slow Sanchez Greenway. Groups of neighbors can also adopt gardens, such as the garden at Sanchez and Jersey maintained by Hola Kids Preschool.
If you would like to help lead this project (yes we need help!) you can also send email to chris@ckeene.com
