Flyer left at each house along Slow Sanchez to ensure resident feedback
Emailed to our mailing list
Posted on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
Posted on website
Flyers and chalk notices along Slow Sanchez
Limited to one response per household
Survey Summary
379 total responses.
25% live on Sanchez (95 respondents)
37% live within one block (140 respondents)
25% live within three blocks (94 respondents)
Overwhelming Support for the program
90% of all respondents are supportive
80% of on-Sanchez residents are supportive
Majority users on Slow Sanchez more than 3 days a week.
More than 60% respondents walk and run more than 3 days a week
More than 40% respondents use it for daily commute and essentials without using vehicles (approx. 20% use vehicles for the same purpose)
Desired improvements
More trash bins (75%)
Landscape, Safety, Community events (50-55%)
Street Art Mural (47%)
Safety in intersections (44%)
Safety neighborhood watch (29%)

Thank you for this e-mail!
Great information.